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Create Your Lead Magnet Step-by-Step

Special one-time offer, only $27!

Creating an email list can seem daunting, can't it? With many steps involved in completing your lead magnet, it's easy to lose direction. But worry not, I'm here to guide you through crafting your very first or next lead magnet. You'll receive a concise 60-minute tutorial and a handy checklist to keep you on track. Let's simplify your journey.

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  • Will these templates work for any business?
    These templates are designed with the digital entrepreneur in mind. Coaches, digital course creators, and membership site owners have all used these templates.
  • If I use the email templates multiple times, will all of my emails sound the same?
    No. The templates are designed to give you the opportunity to share stories, results, anecdotes, and motivation with your subscribers. Now, if you choose to use the exact same stories each time you create a lead magnet, they will be repetitive.
  • How long will it take to use these templates?
    These templates are designed to save you time and energy. The more work you’ve done on your messaging, the stories you use in your business, and your lead magnet research, the faster the emails will go. Additionally, the more times you use them, the faster they will go.

    I can’t make you a promise as to how long they will take to write, but I can promise that it will be simpler, faster, and easier than starting from scratch!
Want to get your lead magnet emails finished…
without spending 5+ hours on this single task?
Grab the fill-in-the-blank templates that I’ve used with my private clients and I personally use to get new subscribers to engage with your lead magnet.

It’s perfect if you:

have been trying to put out a lead magnet, but always get stuck on the required email sequence. (I’ll show you a simple framework for each email.)

want to save time and need to shoo everyone out of the house so that you can concentrate for hours on end.

prefer to get things done yourself, but need a little help.

Download the Email Sequence Template on this page and get instant access to:

the 5 email templates you’ll need for every lead magnet you create. You’ll be able to use them over and over.

a brief video that walks you through how to customize each email in the sequence so that they match your brand voice, messaging, and business.

A sneak peek of what you’ll find inside the Quick Create Lead Magnet Email Sequence Templates

a simple way to write 5 emails to get your subscribers interacting with your content.

my go-to process for creating an entire email sequence in just an hour.

how to make sure you’re welcoming new subscribers, not leaving them out in the cold.

the biggest difference between emails that connect and ones that have people clicking unsubscribe.

a step-by-step process for writing an email sequence that engages new subscribers.

Effortless Lead Magnet Email Sequences$47

  • Total payment
  • 1xEffortless Lead Magnet Email Sequences$47

All prices in USD
